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Not clear on a particular RHCSA Exam practice questions? Ask in the comment section below or (Leave a reply) section.
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Hey there, It looks like your practice questions are password protected. Is there any way I could get access to the practice? I have been preparing but need more hands on experience to ensure success. Thanks so much
Hi Robby, We are still working on it. As soon as we are done updating, you will be able to see it. Thanks for your patience.
Can i get password for exam question, it is very helpfull
Hello Muhammad, we are still working on the completion of the videos just as we have done for questions 1-6. You will be able to view the other questions & answers when we are done. However, we release one question per week for now. We will increase our pace as time goes on. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel( so that you can always get notified when the questions are released. You will also get notified on the recent happenings concerning the RHCSA exam. We will soon release the tutorial videos & practice questions on “container” which Red Hat has just added to the RHCSA 8 objective and will take effect on 1st of October, 2020. Don’t forget to turn on the notification button. Thanks for understanding.
dump is still valid ?
Yes, it is
In the kernel management topic will the downloaded kernel be located in /media?
The downloaded kernel can be located anywhere and not necessarily /media
Hello, Please is there a contact number that you can be reached on ?
Hello Sean,
Please send me an email on
I emailed you
Is this valid for the updated exam 2021?
Are these the real questions?
If I use this would I be able to pass the exam?
If you use our premium practice questions, we will guide you on how to pass the exam. That is what I can guaranty you.
Step 8, Question 9
if you could please clarify some things on Step 8, Question 9:
8. Extract the content of /tmp/image/containers.tgz to ~/storage/html
[student@DRDEV1 ~]$ tar xfv /tmp/image/containers.tgz -C /home/student/storage/html/
The above describes how you extracted the contents of /tmp/image/containers.tgz into the other directory, but how was the extracted content created in the first place. If you could please show us how the break-down goes for creating that content that was supposed to go under the /tmp directory, so I would be able to extract it. Thank you.
The content of /tmp/image/containers.tgz needs to be extracted. However, it is assumed that the file, containers.tgz already exists. You won’t be the one to create this file in the exam.
If you want to create this file in your lab, follow the steps below
1. mkdir /tmp/image
2. vim /tmp/image/containers
input the file content (This is a web file for your container images on storage)
3. cd /tmp/image/
4. tar cfvz containers.tgz containers
ok so if we do not create the contents.
Where is this at
input the file content (This is a web file for your container images on storage
Hello there!
for i in $(seq 20 40 60); do (crontab -l; echo “* * * * * sleep $i; /bin/echo hello”) | crontab -; done
should be:
for i in $(seq 20 20 60); do (crontab -l; echo “* * * * * sleep $i; /bin/echo hello”) | crontab -; done
in fact:
[16:25:35 student@rhel83: ~ ]$ seq 20 20 60
Please fix your pdf
We will look into it.
I got error trying to install VDO: bash:vdo command unknown/command not found. I also could not dnf or yum install vdo or kmod-kvdo. Got same error trying to install stratisd.
I’ll advise you go through these lessons.
For VDO:
For Stratis:
Secondly, make sure you are using a RHEL 8 system. More so, make sure the system is subscribed or have configured your repository.
Hello, I saw neew question on the form. It was:
1.Prepare script that will list file size between 150k to 250k.
2.Create a script to locate files under 10m
you start like we already have mysql_db already set up and you just start and keep going
Let’s help you set it up Jessie. Send us a message on
i HAVE QUESTION FOR RHCSA 8 Exam Practice Question 50
As the new system administrator in your organization, you just discovered that port 2019 has the wrong SELinux labelling.
Delete the contexts associated with it.
Also, on your firewall, allow port 2019/tcp for httpd service
WHY are U adding ssh ?
semanage port -d -t ssh_port_t -p tcp 2019
is that suppose to be like this
semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 2019
I’m starting to practice with your questions and they are excellent.
However, after Q11, its asking a password.
please let me know how to proceed. Thanks
you need to get the premium.
Q: “Any files created in “/home/admins” should permit the group members to be able to read and write on the files.”
My Question: Why we do not add a sticky bit. Able to read & write to that dir does not mean they can delete other’s files.
these two commands fetches diff number of listings. Could you please specify why ?
# journalctl -u sshd
# journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=”sshd.service”
Appreciate your help.
Question on Practice 32.I notice that the script given in the exercise was copies and pasted in the drop-in file.Will the copy function be available in an exam situation or one needs to type the script in?
No. You will have to type it.
your solution of the exercise “RHCSA 8 exam practice question 37” it is wrong.
In order to find the files owned by harry and copy these file to a catalog: /opt/dir you should do:
find / -user harry -exec cp -rvp {} /opt/dir/ \;
your proposed solution is:
find / -user harry > /opt/dir/harry
which will make a list of the files that belong to harry under the file /opt/dir/harry but it wont copy the files that belongs to the user harry
Thank you Francesco,
Our Technical technical team will have a look at it and make the necessary adjustments. Thanks once more for your observation. Its highly welcomed.
Can help with question 29;-
-The group owner of the collaborative directory and its content, inclusive of the three files must be finance.
Above question should we use chgrp -R /collaborative instead of chgrp -R /collaborative/income? If my understanding correct question specificly mention collaborative directory group owner should be finance. Thanks in advance.
can you please send this question to thank you.
configure your machine a client of ntp server where server name is
Question 9
Make the data file that only the user owner and group owner and
members can fully access.
The proposed solution from test bank = mkdir /home/data
Since the question mention create a data file should the solution be something like touch /home/data
Hello Ay.
Yes, you are correct with the “touch” command since the question says its a file.
Thank you for the pointer.
Can we take RHCSA exam with RHEL 8 machine or is it mandatory to choose whatever given by them in exam?
Also if possible can u guide me how different it is, unprepared using RHEL 8.
how to get access the full exam questions for ex200.Asking the password to go for next question